Now Accepting Braintree Day Vendor Applications!
Food trucks and fireworks! March came in like a lion, but we’re hard at work securing everyone’s summer essentials: food trucks, fun and fireworks! Event season is coming quickly, and that means our recruiting starts NOW. We’re so excited to once again be part of the team putting together the annual Braintree Day 4th of July Celebration! This year’s […]
Save the Dates!
Farmers’ Market Faves
It may only be March… and there still might be snow on the ground, but the Lola Grace Events’ Farmers’ Markets kick off the first week of June and we can’t wait to tell market-goers exactly what we have planned! Crowd favorites like the Chicken and Rice Guys and Guru the Caterer will be at Kendall Square’s […]
Food Truck Faves
Ahhhhh can you smell it? Food Truck Rodeo season is sooner than you think! And since we’re in the process of planning our Spring and Summer food truck festivals, we thought it would be a good idea to showcase some of our all-time favorite rolling restaurants at Lola Grace Events! Look out for these tasty trucks idling in […]