Recently Engaged? Are you an antibride or what?
Okay, first things first, what the heck is an antibride? Don’t worry I’m not about to go all Merriam Webster on you. Let me break this down, an antibride comes in many shapes and sizes and frankly, I think there is a bit of antibride in all of us. An antibride isn’t just a type […]
Mossy Oak Meets Manolo Blahnik: An Industry Pro Plans Her Wedding!
Ever wondered wtf industry pro’s do when it comes time to plan their own nuptials? I bet you think we do it all with no stress, no bridal meltdowns and with such ease. Ha, think again. I mean, don’t get us wrong… we are a few steps ahead of the game for sure. For example, […]
What? No invite?
You were friends in high school…you shared laughter + tears, toothbrushes + boyfriends (and this may have even happened in the same night). You went to college together – made memories by making bad decisions together as friends + as dorm-mates. Fast forward a few years (years that feel like lifetimes) and you notice that […]